Get Out There and Take a Look Around

Lana Valente October 27, 2017

Being abroad is the adventure of a lifetime, and it truly changes you forever. Being separated from everything you know (for four months!) is a big deal, but sometimes it doesn’t entirely feel real until you actually leave your host country to explore… More


Ben Garnitz October 26, 2017

A few weeks ago I, and five of my classmates, ventured to Morocco. I wanted to go for several reasons. I’ve never been to Africa before and I wanted to crush the stereotypes in my head that Africa is either desert or Jungle like it’s shown in The Lion… More

Feeling Like Home

Allison Dammann October 26, 2017

When I first arrived in Edinburgh, everything felt foreign to me. The people seemed different, I didn't know how to navigate the city, and I didn't have a place to call my own. Since arriving in Edinburgh, I have been incredibly lucky and have been able… More


Michael Turgeon October 26, 2017

I’ve had a rare day of rest. It’s late afternoon, and for the first time in my recollection the sun is shining directly into my homely student apartment, across a short arc of clear sky in between the imposing edges of the parking garage and the dense… More

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