
Dr. Hamish Thompson


Resident Director

Edinburgh Vice!

Dr. Hamish Thompson March 25, 2019

Fleshmarket Close by Ian Rankin “We are all racist, Inspector. . . even me. It is how we deal with that ugly fact that is important.” For our book club this semester we picked Fleshmarket Close, a novel by Ian Rankin, that deals with the intersection… More

Arcadia Scotland Photo Competition Fall 2018

Dr. Hamish Thompson December 4, 2018

A big congratulations to our Fall 2018 photo competition winner and runners-up. The Edinburgh Center received lots of fantastic photo entries this semester. Thank you to all the students who entered photos of their wonderful experiences and travels around… More

Barbed Wire

Dr. Hamish Thompson November 9, 2018

The 11th November 2018 marks 100 years of the Armistice of World War I.  This was a world war of industrial means and massive casualties. These deaths are marked all around Scotland on war memorials that remind us of the millions that died in this war… More

The Soul of a Nation

Dr. Hamish Thompson August 24, 2018

“Nations and peoples are largely the stories they feed themselves. If they tell themselves stories that are lies, they will suffer the future consequences of those lies. If they tell themselves stories that face their own truths, they will free their… More


Dr. Hamish Thompson June 1, 2018

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” Maya Angelou Study abroad transgresses and crosses borders. These can be physical, linguistic, political, cultural – but at the… More

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