
Mary McSwiney


Student Life Officer

Farewell to our Dublin Spring Students

Mary McSwiney May 16, 2016

It's that time again, another semester is coming to an end.  Last week Arcadia Ireland hosted two farewell meals for our Dublin students. On Monday, Dr. Tom Kelley along with students studying in Trinity College Dublin, attended the Commons in the Trinity… More

Spring Competition Winners

Mary McSwiney May 9, 2016

A massive congratulations to our Spring competition winners! Jordan Robles from Western Washington University studying at National University of Ireland Galway, won first place in the creative writing competition for her wonderful short story entitled… More

Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage

Mary McSwiney May 4, 2016

This weekend students studying at National University of Ireland Galway along with Arcadia staff participated in a hike up Ireland's Holy mountain 'Croagh Patrick'.  Croagh Patrick is known as the location that St. Patrick came to fast (abstain from… More

Summer '16 Events!

Mary McSwiney May 3, 2016

The summer semester is nearly here already and we have some great activities planned for you. Registration opens Thursday April 12th at Noon (EST) and runs through June 6th at Midnight (EST). There are a limited number of openings for each event, so… More

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