Up in the Air in ‘Hidden London’

Nicole Burgon April 8, 2022

Even before studying abroad in London, I was surprised by how much spending and planning I was suddenly doing on my own. You have a lot of choices to make: where you want to go, what your budget is, and whether it’s the right decision for you. It can… More

How to Say Goodbye to Home

Payton Sims December 9, 2021

The countdown to saying goodbye has begun. Finals are right around the corner, and I’m already contemplating how to fit everything back in my suitcases. When I embarked on this adventure—moving my life to a country I had never stepped foot in—I was scared… More

Travel Now: Beyond COVID-19

Anna Depoian December 9, 2021

The pandemic has taken a lot. It has taken loved ones, our mental health, our sanity, and much more. Far less on the scale of importance, but still something to note, is travel. For a year we were stuck. Stuck in our homes, our cities, our states, and… More

Traveling While in Europe

Emma Sutherland November 15, 2021

One of the amazing parts about being in Spain is your proximity to other European countries. Since everything in Europe is so close, I highly recommend traveling to other countries while you are here.  There is a small airport in Granada and a bigger… More

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