You have the opportunity to choose from an array of curated courses designed to maximize the online learning environment. In addition to engaging and thoughtful coursework, you have the option to participate in an internship with an organization based in one of our European centers. There are select opportunities for online program options with our overseas partner institutions that are cross-listed below.


Semester Course Options

  • You can customize your enrollment by selecting one to four classes. 
  • View all semester options here.
  • Be sure to list your courses in order of preference.


Summer Course Options

  • You can enroll in one course per session. Students participating in the internship can earn up to 6 credits.
  • View all summer options here.

Partner Institution Options

Virtual Internships


Students may combine an internship with online courses in both the summer and semester options. Placements are first come, first served, therefore we may fill all of the available placements prior to the final date for consideration. The internship placement has three different pathways, and includes an Internship Tutorial and a Digital resume workshop. More information is available on our Virtual Global Internships program page, as well as the Virtual Global Internship Placement Guide.


Grade Scale for Arcadia Centers - AACRAO EDGE

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage U.S. Equivalent
97 - 100% A+
93 - 96% A
90 - 92% A-
87 - 89% B+
83 - 86% B
80 - 82% B-
77 - 79% C+
73 - 76% C
70 - 72% C-
67 - 69% D+
65 - 66% D
0 - 64% F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.