ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute Courses

The program requires a minimum of one Italian language course based on your proficiency. Choose your electives from the academic pathways listed below for a total of 15-17 credits.

  • Please review your courses with your academic or study abroad advisor to ensure they will transfer back to your home school and that you are following your home school’s policies.
  • Please be flexible – we can’t guarantee specific courses. If your participation in the program depends on a particular course, be sure to make a note on your online course form.

Special Considerations

  • Arcadia+ Optional Arcadia Internship: Complete an internship placement arranged by Arcadia that allows you to work virtually and earn academic credit alongside your ISI courses. See the Internship Placement Guide for information about placement possibilities, including organization locations throughout the world. 
  • Students must take at least one Italian language course. You will take a placement test during orientation to confirm Italian proficiency level.
  • You cannot enroll in online ISI courses: Arcadia University is unable to process credits of online courses offered at the Umbra Institute due to transcript & Title IV reporting constraints.
  • Independent Research: Replace one ISI Perugia course with your own research project which you complete with faculty support - another excellent achievement for your resume. Contact your program advisor for more information.

Choosing Your Courses

Refer to the ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute website for course descriptions and syllabi (where available):

Most courses use a textbook or a “reader,” a packet of information compiled by the professor. Books and readers will be available for purchase at the Umbra Institute or at local copy shops and bookstores. You will receive more information regarding locations and costs on arrival.

When completing your course selection form:

  • Review all course information for the program carefully.
  • You are required to enroll in at least one Italian language course.
  • If you participate in the Food, Sustainability & Environment or Multi-Cultural Psychology pathways you will be required to enroll in the associated core course.
  • Secure approval for at least 6 elective courses.
  • Please list courses in order of preference.

Arcadia+ Internship Cornerstone Course

You must enroll in the Internship Cornerstone Course if you select an Arcadia+ Internship placement.

OVEI INPR 210 Work in Thought and Action 4 Fall/Spring PDF

Enrollment Process

Official course registration will take place upon arrival. The online course form you submit prior to acceptance is not set in stone.

Miscellaneous Fees

Your course may require academic excursions and other activities that have additional fees associated which are not included in your program fee. Please be sure to consult the Umbra Institute course pages to learn if your courses have associated lab fees.

Grade Scale for ISI Perugia - AACRAO EDGE

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage U.S. Equivalent Student Performance
93 - 100% A Exceptional
90 - 92% A- Excellent
87 - 89% B+ Superior
83 - 86% B Superior
80 - 82% B- Superior
77 - 79% C+ Satisfactory
73 - 76% C Satisfactory
70 - 72% C- Satisfactory
67 - 69% D+ Low Pass
63 - 66% D Low Pass
60-62% D- Low Pass
59% or less F Fail (no credit)
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.