Intern Philly offers an exciting mix of coursework, cultural engagement and practical work experience designed to help you make the most of your experience.

You’ll enroll in the program’s four-credit internship Cornerstone Course, Work in Thought & Action, a dynamic experiential education course that frames your work placement experience by providing a venue to maximize learning from a work placement experience and connect it to both your field of study and career aspirations. This will be achieved through reflection on what it means to work in an urban environment and to navigate organizational complexity and research linking your work experience to your academic interest.

As part of your internship course, you’ll spend several hours a day, 3 days per week at your internship. You can take up to three additional four-credit elective courses, outlined below. Your internship placement is carefully matched to your individual academic and career goals, and may be in one of the following sectors:

Business, Marketing, and Management Medicine and Health Sciences Physical Science
Communications and Media Law and Government Psychological and Social Services
Arts, Fine and Applied Education Sociology
History And More  

Semester Courses

Option 1 (16 credits):

internship Placement (SEVERAL HOURS A DAY, 4 DAYS A WEEK), Cornerstone Course, 3 Electives

Option 2 (12 credits):

internship Placement (SEVERAL HOURS A DAY, 4 DAYS A WEEK), Cornerstone Course, 2 Electives


Internship Cornerstone Course

Course ID Title Credits Syllabus
PHLY INPR 310 Work in Thought and Action 4 PDF



Course ID Title Credits Term Syllabus
PHLY ARTH 285 Site Matters in the City: The Importance of Place and Space 4 Spring PDF
PHLY ARTH 335 Philadelphia and the Arts  4 Spring PDF
PHLY COMM 325 Gender, Power and Influence 4 Fall/Spring PDF
PHLY HIST 361 Agency and Resistance: The Legacy of Racial Injustice and Social Change Movement in Philadelphia 4 Fall/Spring PDF
PHLY MGMT 340 Leadership in Organizations  4 Spring PDF
PHLY SOCI 365 Becoming Visible: The Philadelphia Immigrant Experience from Past to Present 4 Fall/Spring PDF

Elective Courses at Arcadia University

Select Arcadia University courses are made available to students both in the evenings and on select weekdays. Enrollment is limited based on availability, timetabling, and placement requirements. If you are interested in taking a course in the following departments,  please request a copy of the coming semester timetable.

Business Administration History Mathematics Sociology
Communications Literature Political Science Visual & Performing Arts
Computer Science Marketing Public Health  

Course Details


Within the fabric of social relations lie the workings of power and authority. Think of your relationships with your parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, bosses, and best friends. When one of them asks you to do something or disagrees with you about some topic or issue, does your response have something to do with your notions of power and authority? For instance, do your responses of compliance, deference, defiance, inquiry, silence, or challenge depend on yours and/or others’ power and authority? By focusing on bodies of knowledge, constructs of place and space, and social group differences, we will explore what power and authority entail, what lends individuals power and authority, how power and authority are made, and how power and authority circulate among individual and group relations.

This seminar explores power and authority from multiple perspectives (structural, systemic, collective, and individual) using various frames of analysis (site, difference, and discourse). The readings are organized around discourses (sociology, law, psychology, business, etc.), sites (the prison, the museum, the street, the entertainment store, the workplace, etc.), and differences (age, race, gender, socioeconomic class, religion, etc.)


Unburied: The Legacy of Slavery and the Abolition Movement in Philadelphia (HIST 361)

In 2008, historian Terry Buckalew uncovered references to a burial ground near Mother Bethel Church in the Queen Village area of Philadelphia, but he could not locate it. After coming forward with his research, in 2013, anthropologists discovered that approximately 5000 people are buried just 18 inches under the cement at the Weccaccoe playground on Catharine and South 4th Street.

In the early 1800's no African-Americans could be buried within city limits of Philadelphia. In 1810, freed slave Richard Allen sought land in what was called Southwark, then outside of the city, for his church members. The burial ground fell into disarray over the years and the land was eventually sold to the city and a park was built.  The stories of the former slaves who lived and worked and were buried there was lost to history. 

Through an exploration of what they city is planning to commemorate this space, this course will examine Philadelphia’s complicated past concerning slavery, the important role that Quakers played in the abolition, including founding the first abolition movement in the U.S., concluding in examining the modern day case for reparations.

Some News reports of interest:


Becoming Visible: The Philadelphia Immigrant Experience from Past to Present (SOCI 365)

This course will examine immigration patterns in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas through historical analysis. With a focus on race, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic status we will view first hand documents at the Germantown Historical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, collect and synthesize data and explore historic districts to view the changing landscape of Philadelphia. Some specific issues to be explored: Current debates over the 2020 U.S. Census questions; what it means that Philadelphia is a sanctuary city; how the immigrant experience has changed over time and how have immigrants add to the civic, economic and cultural life of Philadelphia and surrounding regions.


Philadelphia and the Arts (ARTH 335)

This course looks at select topics in Global Art History from the end of the 18th century through the start of World War II. Each week we will cultivate a deeper understanding of the visual culture of the period with a close focus on a different aspect of the making, exhibiting, collecting and/or market for art in a specific period in Philadelphia’s history  Although the focus of the course will be historical, we will relate the history of art to its contemporary context through visits to area museums, galleries and collections and by experiencing events such as First Friday in Old Town and an evening of music and art at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Students have the option to take this class as an introductory General Education course or to complete different in-depth assignments in order to satisfy the requirements of an upper-level art history course.


Principles of  Business & Professional Communications (BADM 340)

Students develop business and professional communication skills needed to successfully interact with peers, managers, customers, and stakeholders in a variety of work situations.  Through instruction on audience analysis, purpose definition, language choice, visual tools, and storytelling techniques students become proficient in multiple communication forms and ways to demonstrate value in professional interactions.  The course involves research, practical application, written assignments, and presentations. Students will also engage with Philadelphia business professionals and practice networking skills.


site matters in the city: The importance of place and space (arth 285)

Living, working, and going to college or participating in a program in the backyard of one of the nation’s major metropolitan areas is an exciting and often surprising adventure. Yet, even if you are from this region or have visited Philadelphia frequently, you might know very little about what urban living has to offer. So, we are going to investigate together your environment by using the city of Philadelphia, particularly what’s called ‘center city’, as your classroom. We will explore definitions, meanings, and processes of place and space (and their differences) in order to embrace the city as a site of inspiration, innovation, creation, and
opportunity. The goal is to demonstrate how place and space are necessary parts when thinking about and doing one’s work.

Grade Scale for Intern Philly - AACRAO EDGE

The following information is vetted and provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) on the Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE).

Percentage U.S. Equivalent
97 - 100% A+
93 - 96% A
90 - 92% A-
87 - 89% B+
83 - 86% B
80 - 82% B-
77 - 79% C+
73 - 76% C
70 - 72% C-
67 - 69% D+
65 - 66% D
0 - 64% F
Intellectual property copyright AACRAO EDGE.