
November 25, 2014

QS Top Universities has released their Best Student Cities rankings and a number of the top cities are places in which Arcadia runs a program.

Each city included in the ranking needs to have a population over 250,000 and be home to at least two QS ranked institutions. Scores are then assigned to cities based on their student mix, quality of living, affordability, employer activity and desirability.

At the top of the list is Paris, a world class destination for anyone. This is their third year in a row at the top of the list, owing its position to a wealth of world class learning institutions and relative affordability to students.

Coming in next is Melbourne, which jumped three places from last year’s #5 ranking. The cultural capital of Australia has been consistently ranked among the world’s most livable cities, and it is no exception for students.

Ranked third is London, always a mainstay when considering the quality of international cities by any measure. The beautiful city of Sydney comes in just behind at fourth place.

Other Arcadia cities ranked are Barcelona (19), Canberra (21), Auckland (22), Brisbane (23), Edinburgh (26), Manchester (29) and Dublin (32).