Wonders of the Weeks

Arin Fambro University of New South Wales, Australia


March 27, 2017

These past two weeks have been full of consistent businesses at university. The classes are beginning to get more intense, not completely enjoyable but it has to be done! I have begun working on a few of my semester final essays that require outlines, keeping everyone on campus extremely in tuned and away from the beaches sadly.

A few exciting things have started however! My internship at Project Futures in CBD started and I really do enjoy it. It is a small organisation that conducts fundraising for several organisations that are also humanitarian businesses, but the main focus is for prevention of human trafficking children in Cambodia but also rehabilitation of human trafficking victims in Cambodia.  There are two organisations out of Cambodia and two in Australia that we fundraise for. They are all doing amazing pieces in the world to benefit people that have been victims or abuse and slavery. I get the chance to meet and talk with different people on how they can fundraise and what kind of ideas might interest them. There is also the opportunity of creating different designs for social networking purposes, such as Instagram and Facebook. So yes, that is going amazing!

On another weekend, my partner, Joseph, came up to visit in Sydney and we managed to visit a few places around the city. For one, we went to a restaurant called, Del Punto, that is in The Spot. The Spot, I actually just discovered a few weeks ago because of the pizza; it’s a place that has a movie theatre, places to eat, and a few shopping storms. It’s located in Randwick, about a 15 minute walk up hill from campus and a 10-minute walk from Coogee beach. It’s a nice place, and the Del Punto, was fabulous Spanish cuisine. 

On the next day we went deeper into CBD where we planned on going to the art gallery. I had already been and found some absolutely amazing work! My favourite was by Jean-Francois Portaels, a magnificent art peace about Esther, from the Old Testament. She stood up to the Persian King Ahasuerus to plead for her people. The King planned on slaughtering these people but after her negotiation and being blinded by her beauty he agreed not to punish her people. The painting was the one that stood out most to me, the beauty of Esther and the traditional clothing of the time.

However, back to that day with Joseph, we spontaneously decided to go to the Queen Victoria Building. It is basically a shopping mall with a very particular lay out, it’s stunning. I had never been and Joseph hadn’t been in a while. The stores were too expensive for me at the time but I hope to go back and buy some clothes. After this we made our way to the Botanical Gardens which is close the State Library. As stunning as people say, the flowers and the traditional Australian nature and birds reach out at you during the wonder. It’s a nice place to go and have a packed lunch along with a book to read because it is so peaceful. While it is a popular spot for people to visit it still brings about the nature side of such a large city. In any other large city it would be hard to find, but because of Australia’s desire and nurture for their natural environment and animals they continue to try and have even a nature based city. The beaches, the parks, the trees that are even in the middle of the campuses, it’s absolutely beautiful. Sydney really is a magnificent city in that way.


Australia Semester