Weeks 7&8 (Nice, Monaco, Budapest & Dublin)

Abby Russo London School of Economics, England


November 27, 2018

Nice and Monaco (11/6-11/8)

We planned a last-minute trip to Nice and Monaco for reading week. We got a really good deal ($30!) flight for Tuesday-Thursday. We always use the app Skyscanner to find the cheapest flights. We stayed in Nice, and then took a day trip to Monaco on Wednesday. The hostel we stayed in was called Villa Saint Exupery Beach. We also got a really good deal on the hostel, and it was located right in the city center so we could walk everywhere. This was hands down, my favorite trip so far. I definitely recommend adding Nice to your list of places to travel. November was a great time to go because since it was off-season, it wasn’t super crowded with tourists. The only problem we encountered is that the majority of people didn’t speak English so have your translators ready!

When we landed Tuesday, we got bagels at a local chain called Emilie and the Cool Kids, which a worker at our hostel recommended. We then walked to Place Massena, the main square, and walked through a park nearby called Promenade Du Pallion. We then explored Old Town which had beautiful colored houses and cute little shops. Then we headed down to the beach and to Castle Hill which has beautiful views of the city. Finally, we headed to Avenue Jean Médecin, the famous shopping street, to look around and find a bite for dinner.

Wednesday morning, we woke up early to take the bus to Monaco. There was a public bus that took us there for only 1.50 Euro. It was about a 45-minute ride, and the views along the way were absolutely beautiful. When we got to Monaco, we had brunch at a cute little French restaurant. We then headed to Hercules port to look at all the yachts. Next, we trekked up the hill to the see the Monaco Cathedral where Grace Kelly got married. We then made it just in time to watch the changing of the guards at the Prince’s Palace. Then we headed to the infamous Monte Carlo Casino. On our way back to Nice, we stopped at Eze Village, a little town built into the cliffs. There was an exquisite view from the cacti garden at the top, and a lot of cute restaurants and shops. We stopped for crepes before heading back to Nice. In Nice, we went for a night walk along le Promenade Des Anglais, the boardwalk along the beach. It was really well lit and perfect for bikers, skateboarders, and runners.

Thursday morning, we woke up bright and early to watch the sunrise on the beach. Although it was pretty cloudy and hard to see, it was peaceful sitting on the beach one last time before winter. We took the public bus from our hostel to the airport for only 1.50 Euro. Overall the trip was super cheap, there were so many free things to do.

Budapest (11/9-11/11)

To end reading week, six of my friends and I headed to Budapest! I definitely recommend going here with a big group because some of the neighborhoods aren’t as safe as we were used to. We stayed in a really cool Airbnb called the Budapest Bike Corner that had 8 beds and 4 bathrooms, I definitely recommend it for a big group!

The first night we landed, we went to Szimpla Kert, the famous ruin bar. The ruin bars are a must see. They are really cool to walk around and explore. The next morning, we went to brunch at Mazel Tov a famous brunch place. Then headed over to Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastion which both had great views of the city. We then went to a Christmas market for lunch! I love how the cities decorate so early in Europe for Christmas, it really puts you in the holiday spirit. Next, we went to the Szechenyi Baths. We went around 3 so we could be there for sunset which was a great choice! We ended the night at the Instant Ruin Bar which I also recommended.

On Sunday, I started off the morning by walking along the Danube Promenade, which is a walk along the main river of the city. The climate of the city is very foggy, so it was hard to even see beyond the river. We then went to the Szimpla Kert food market. On Sundays, the famous ruin bar turns it’s a market. We got to sample local meats and bread for a great price. (Everything in Budapest was relatively pretty cheap! The only thing is their currency is really hard to get used to 1 USD= 284.37 HUF, so it was weird spending like 3,000 on a meal). We then went on a tour of Parliament. We got tickets for only 3$ because they have a student of the EU discount. The Budapest Parliament building was ranked the 10th most beautiful building in the world and I can definitely see why. The tour was also great to get some history of the city. Half of our friends embarked on a free Communism walking tour and the other half of us went to the Gellert Baths, the other famous thermal baths. After going to the two main baths, I can say they are both great. The Gellert ones were a little more upscale and better kept. However, my friends and I really liked the atmosphere of the Szechenyi if you are going with a group of people. The Szechenyi baths were bigger and had more young people at them. Finally, before heading to the airport we had dinner at a traditional Hungarian Restaurant.

Dublin (11/16-11/18)

One of my best friends from home is studying abroad at Trinity in Dublin, and I went to stay with her for a weekend. It was a quick trip; I didn’t get in till late Friday night and left early Sunday morning, so I didn’t have too much time to explore the city. Friday night we went to a traditional Irish Pub called Fitzsimons. I loved that they had live music unlike the Pubs in London. Then Saturday morning, we went for tea and scones at Queen of Tarts. We then headed to a small town by the sea called Howth for an afternoon hike. It was so nice to see some green land and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Back at Trinity, we toured the famous Trinity College Library and the Oscar Wilde House. Finally, we walked around Grafton Street to look at all the Christmas lights. Sunday morning, I had to fly back at 7:30am which I definitely regretted booking that flight. Since I only had Saturday in Dublin, there was so much I wanted to do that I didn’t get the chance too. In the future, I would have paid the extra $20 to leave later in the day Sunday. Also, when booking early flights, you have to take into consideration the cost of transportation to the airport. If you need to be at the airport at 5:30 for a morning flight, public transportation may not be running that early so the cost of a taxi may be the same as the difference in the flight that leaves later in the day.