Thoughts Before Edinburgh

Rebecca Sather Jenkins University of Edinburgh, Scotland


January 2, 2017

My semester at the University of Edinburgh begins in one week. I’m beyond excited -- I have always wanted to visit Scotland, and after some travels in the UK over the Christmas period, it is nearly time to venture past that Northern Border.

I have described my semester abroad in Edinburgh as being my “abroad-abroad” to many of my friends. I am already an international student in the United States, as I am originally from Australia, so studying in Edinburgh has seemed to some to be an unnecessary experience. For me however, it has always felt essential that I go even further abroad. Whether it’s a case of itchy feet or mere curiosity, I’m not too sure. I just know it is what I always wanted to do.

So I’m hoping that the transition to a new city and new school will seem a little less of a shock, and I might be able to adjust to Edinburgh life without the ‘Rollercoaster of Emotions’ that I experienced when beginning my degree at the University of Puget Sound. It can be difficult to feel settled in one place when you have family and friends in many other places, and in my experience that is the hardest part of feeling at home anywhere. So when I inevitably find it hard to leave Edinburgh come June, I will know it’s because of the people and experiences that made it such a wonderful time abroad. I can’t wait!

I’m hoping to use this space as a way to chronicle my adventures, my thoughts, and my hesitations (if there are any!) So I hope you enjoy following along.