The Final Countdown

Meghan Callahan University of Otago, New Zealand


January 14, 2019
Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand
hOMEschool: Denison University

As I am sitting down and writing this blog post it is January 11th, and as I arrived at the Pittsburgh International Airport this morning from Orlando, my mom looked at me on the plane and said, "you will be back here all on your own exactly one month from now but going the other way."

I honestly thought I had a lot more time than just one month, and now I'm going into minor freak out mode that I should have a lot more things done than I do before now!! Arcadia sent a packing tip list today, and it made me worried that I will not be able to fit everything I think I will need for five months in just one or two suitcases since I ALWAYS over pack. My school in the US is just a three-hour drive from home, so I pack way more than I need and bring clothes back to school after every break.

I am off to the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. Dunedin is pretty southern on the South Island, and since their seasons are the opposite of the United States, I will be there at the end of summer, fall, and the very beginnings of winter. The highs, even in the summertime, are around 60°F so it will not be the sunny, warm beach weather I was initially expecting, but anything will beat the inevitable snow that will be in Pennsylvania and Ohio. While at school, I will be staying right near campus in what they call "University Flats." These are houses/complexes that house a few international students and a Kiwi host. In my Flat, there will be six of us living there-- pictures of my room to come in just a few short weeks!

When I was looking to study abroad there were very few places I could choose from because of the classes I needed to take at home with my pre-med requirements. With this narrow schedule, I was forced to go abroad as a sophomore rather than a junior like most of the students at Denison. With my options between New Zealand and Australia, I chose New Zealand as my grandparents had gone on a trip there a few years ago, and looking at all of the pictures they have and hearing their stories made me want to spend my semester abroad there. Ever since I decided that I was going to New Zealand and have told friends and family all I have heard is positive reviews-- how nice the people are and how beautiful it is there.

Anyways, I have to start my packing and the endless to-do list, until next time!