Remember, Remember…

Kalee Shomo Glasgow School of Art, Scotland


November 6, 2017

Last night I had the amazing opportunity to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night in Glasgow, Scotland! It is a huge festival that celebrates the International Day of Peaceful Protest and Assembly. It is a reminder to the people that government officials and civil servants power truly lies in the hands of the People. It is a day to raise awareness among the masses. It is held annually on November 5th, and sometimes goes by the name Bonfire Night. It marks the anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to blow up the House of Parliament in London in 1605. Bonfires, fireworks, festivals, and peaceful spreading of awareness spread across many countries in this lovely night of remembrance.

Last night was truly a night I will never forget. More than 50,000 people filled the streets of Glasgow and made their way down to what is ironically known as “The Green” just like Haber Green at Arcadia! There was fair food, neon lights, carnival rides, kids, families, all gathered in this park to celebrate and wait for the biggest event of the night… the fireworks display!

At 7:30pm on the dot we counted down to the first firework to be displayed behind this beautiful monument in the park. The entire 30 minutes of the biggest fireworks display in Glasgow was perfectly synchronized to a playlist of famous pop songs and current main stream music. Some highlights from the playlist included “I’m a Barbie Girl,” “The YMCA,” and the big finale song “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” It was such an amazing display, and everyone was so happy to be there… despite the chilly weather and MASSIVE crowd.

Last night has brought a whole new meaning to one of my favorite movies, V for Vendetta, and I will truly never forget this fifth of November!