Preparing for Departure

Lynsey Leopard London, England


May 20, 2015
By Lynsey L., London Internship Program Summer, England

I go to a small liberal arts college in Alabama. Our motto is unconventional wisdom, which is intertwined throughout our academic and extracurricular programs. I have grown accustomed to what is unconventional learning, and so it only seems appropriate for me to choose to study abroad. I visited London for a week while I was in high school and it was then that I decided to go back for a longer and more adventurous trip.

I will be studying in London with the summer internship program. I chose this program because I am nearly done with my education and knew that an internship would be the most beneficial for my studies. I also chose to take the London Novel course as my other class. I have always greatly appreciated literature and this course seemed very interesting to me.

This will be my first trip anywhere without a family member or close friend. I've always had someone alongside me during any of my adventures, so I feel this is the perfect time to establish my independence. Hopefully, I can figure out some sort of magic trick so that I fit all of my necessary belongings in a mere carry-on and medium sized suitcase. However, I do plan to buy certain items when I arrive, such as a hairdryer, straightener, and toiletries. I know this will help with the overall weight of my suitcases.

I have made my lists of things to pack, things to leave behind, and things to buy abroad. I have gone through the painstaking process of obtaining a visa (made much simpler by my amazingly helpful program manager). I have bought the essentials for going from Alabama to London. Surely, I have it all figured out, but if not, I still have Pinterest as a useful tool.

Overall, I'm extremely excited to see what this summer has in store for me and cannot wait to arrive in London!

Student Blogger, Lynsey L.Lynsey Leopord is a student at the University of Montevallo and is blogging from her summer abroad with the London Internship Program Summer in London, England.