
Erin Flanagan St. Mary's University, England


March 8, 2019
Currently studying at: St. Mary's University, England
Homeschool: Stonehill College

Today I went on the Arcadia day trip to Oxford, England. I think that Oxford might be the most beautiful place that I have ever been to. It is a University city with 38 colleges in the city. The English architecture and buildings were breathtaking. This was a planned trip through Arcadia. These are my favorite trips to do because you get such unique and detailed experiences. We went on a two-hour walking tour of the city that was given by a student who studies at one of the universities. Every second of the tour was intriguing. After the walking tour, we had free time where we visited the oldest pub in Oxford called The Bear, we got a delicious lunch at a different pub in the city, and we went to the Ashmolean Museum. This museum is a museum of art and archaeology, and it was founded in 1683. The exhibitions in the museum were incredible. This day trip was one that I will never forget. Oxford, England is an inspiring place that is filled with so much history and knowledge.