Overwhelmed and Underprepared

Kristi Stringer Umbra Institute, Italy


December 31, 2014

Do you see those up there? Those are some of the many lists I have written to try and maintain some semblance of control while preparing to go to Italy. It seemed as if every time I would check an item off, three more would pop up like some sort of academic Hydra. However, the end is now in sight. The hundreds of forms, the trip to St. Louis for my visa, even battling with my financial aid department is all paying off; and I have 4 months in the most beautiful country as a prize.

I will be setting off to Perugia, Italy to as a part of their General Studies program. I don’t know what classes I’ll be taking or who I’ll be living with, but I am excited for the opportunity. This will be my first trip out of the country, and my first time living more than 2 hours away from my family. Being from a small town in the Midwest, I’m sure there is bound to be culture shock and anxiety. So, as I tend to do, I have come up with a list to cope. These are some, but by no means all, of the things I want to accomplish in my time abroad.

  1. Find the best pizza in the world. I hear about all kinds of experiences when I talk to people who’ve been to Italy. But the one thing they all say is that Italy has the best food in the world. One woman said she gained seven pounds in seven days! And while I know that they have many different regional specialties all around the country, I especially want to taste test their pizza. Maybe it’s the college student in me, maybe it’s the passage from Eat, Pray, Love about the pizza place in Naples; but it is something that has been motivating me to get my paperwork in order and save my money.
  2. Get as many stamps in my passport as possible. I know I am going to love and cherish my time in Italy, however this could be the only time I am in Europe, so I want to take advantage of the trains and cheap airfare to see all the countries I can, including France, Spain, London, Germany and wherever the Groupon deals take me!
  3. Immerse myself in Italian. One of the reasons I chose Italy as opposed to another English-speaking country is that I want to stretch my language skills and move beyond the little high school Spanish I remember. I have been working on my Italian a little, but I hope to have at least gotten to the point I can have a conversation in Italian. Even if I am going in at the 101 level.

I can’t believe that there is less than a week until I fly across the ocean to live in another country! Every time I think about it my heart races, I can’t wait to begin my journey! I suppose I’d better finish checking off these lists before the big day. The next time I’ll be blogging, it will be from lovely Perugia. Ciao!


Italy Pre-Departure