One Month In: New Adventures!

Rebecca Sather Jenkins University of Edinburgh, Scotland


February 11, 2017

I’ve been in Edinburgh now for a month, and for some reason that fact is a little scary! Of course that month has been filled to the brim with adventure and exploring, but knowing that I’m one-third of the way through classes makes me think about all the other things I still want to tick off my list.

Last week I visited Perth for the day, and I absolutely loved it. It is a lovely small city, right on the River Tay. I wandered around aimlessly, down old streets and along the river, and visited an old cemetery where cherry blossoms were starting to appear. Unfortunately, Scone Palace was closed the day I visited, so I will just need to go back another day!

The weather has been temperamental, reminding me of the moody weather patterns in my hometown of Melbourne, Australia. Yesterday I woke up to a blue sky, at lunch it snowed, in the afternoon there was hail, and then the sky cleared again for a beautiful sunset in the evening. So it’s hard to plan activities when you have no idea what might happen. I’ve learned to pack an umbrella, regardless of the forecast.

Here’s my next list of things to do in the next couple of weeks:

  1. Visit the National Museum (which happens to be on my street!)
  2. Take a walk up to Stockbridge and see the old laneways and mews houses
  3. Visit the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens

Next weekend I’ll be visiting Dublin for a few days, and I can’t wait! I will share some pictures when I return.

Until then… 


Scotland Semester Travel