Nerd Alert!

Erin Scanlan University College Dublin, Ireland


April 20, 2017

Arcadia has this wonderful option of going on excursions with them throughout the semester.  They take you on tours and show you many different beautiful parts of Ireland.  I have experienced Northern Ireland, Scotland, and a Game of Thrones tour with Arcadia.  A few of my friends have also experienced Croagh Patrick, rugby matches, and food trails within their city.  There are plenty of options for people to get out and experience what Ireland is about. 

As many close friends and family know, I am obsessed with Game of Thrones.  Naturally, I jumped at the opportunity to take a tour of the filming locations of the show.  It was definitely one of the things I was most looking forward too (Yup, I’m that much of a nerd).  Before I left the States, I would make sure to rub it in my friend’s faces.  Most of them were really jealous, but some had no idea what I was even talking about.

However, on the day of the tour I accomplished something I could brag about even more.  While on the tour, you complete a 10 question quiz about the show and whoever wins is crowned Queen/King of the North.  I was doubtful of my capability to ace this quiz, for I haven’t watched an episode since the end of season six.  However, I was able to pull out a victory, even though it came down to a tiebreaker, and I was crowned Queen of the North (MAJOR nerd alert).  I didn’t just receive my crown on the bus, I was crowned in the same spot Robb Stark was crowned King of the North.  If that doesn’t entitle me to bragging rights, I don’t know what does. 

On the day of the tour I was surprised to find out that most people on the bus had only just began to watch the show.  This boggled my mind, for Game of Thrones has been on for many years, what were they waiting for?! Another great surprise was that our tour guide was actually an extra in the show, many times!  He wasn’t just a regular extra, he was an extra in some of the best scenes of the shows such as, Hardhome and Battle of the Bastards.  He was able to give us awesome information about what it’s like to be on set, but most importantly, how great of a guy Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) is.  That was not our last surprise.  We were also able to meet the dogs that played the dire wolves in the first season!  This was a surprise everyone was excited for.  I mean who doesn’t love to play with huge dogs?! 

I would recommend this tour to anyone, regardless if you have watched the show or not.  Not only do you get to see how a show was filmed, but you get to visit many beautiful sites all over Northern Ireland.  
