Fun, Fun and More Fun!

Brenda Khor Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


February 5, 2015

Hello readers. This week, I did not do much for my classes that is interesting to write about and for you to read. It might bore you. We are almost at the halfway point. In two weeks, I will have midterms!!! It’s crazy how fast the time is going by.

My peer contact and I went to a museum. The museum that we went to was called, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. It looked like a palace honestly. Inside was white walls filled with sculptures, paintings and art! My favorite was the Gothic section because it had so much color and gold to it. The Romanesque period was good to learn about since it had a lot to deal with churches, religion, Catholicism and patrons/saints. The Modern Art section was awesome! It had so much detail and stories behind it. Ahh! I fell in love!

This week, the Arcadia Program took the students to Park Güell. Park Güell is such a beautiful scenery. It has bright colors and detailed architecture by the famous Gaudi. After walking around Park Güell, we ate calçotada which is onions and a spicy sauce. It is a Catalan culture. We ate it with our heads up. Then, we ate sausage, lamb and potatoes. It is a tradition that you have to eat meat after you eat the onions. It was very tasty and delicious!!! In addition, we drank water and wine with a unique cup. People in Spain use it so you do not touch your mouth on it and there is no germs when everyone drinks off of it. It was so much fun! I cannot wait until next week’s adventures.​