Feliz Cumpleaños

Sarah Todaro University of Havana, Cuba


August 28, 2016

Although it has always been a personal goal of mine to step foot onto Cuban soil, I never thought that I’d actually have the opportunity to spend 3.5 months living on such a mysterious island. Hard work pays off, and here I sit in the Florida Keys preparing to pack up my bags and board my third flight to study abroad in a foreign land. Except this time, Cuba doesn’t seem as foreign as compared to London and Valparaiso, Chile. My family used to live in Habana, so I’ve listened to their many stories of how stunningly gorgeous Cuba is and how wonderful life was before they packed up their bags for another country.

All of my friends and family know how excited I am to finally be going to Cuba. It only seems fitting that the day I arrive is also my 21st birthday. Although I won't be celebrating with my twin brother or my family and friends, I’ll still be celebrating in a pretty gorgeous place. Cheers and Saludos! Nos vemos pronto, Cuba!