Documenting Your Time Abroad

Olivia Baumgartner Queens University Belfast, Ireland


March 11, 2019
currently studying: QUEENS UNIVERSITY BELFAST, Ireland.
Homeschool: Arcadia University

Studying abroad is a time we want to remember forever! It’s easy to take pictures and videos of your favorite places, but what are some other creative ways to document your time abroad?

1. Journaling

This one may seem obvious, but there are so many ways to do it that I couldn’t not include it. Physical journals can be great, and you can even decorate the cover if you like. If typing is more your style, you could keep an online journal, such as a continuous Word document or Google Doc. There are also plenty of free journaling apps out there. You can challenge yourself to write something every day, weekly, or just whenever you feel like it.

2. 1 Second Everyday

This app is the best in my library for studying abroad. It’s easy to use— you simply record a one-second video, once a day. It is totally free, and you can even upload pictures instead of a video (useful for if you forget a day and need to put something in). The app is set up like a calendar, and at the end of the month you can create a compilation and watch all of your moments. You can get it on the Apple Store or Google Play here.

3. Photo Collages

Perhaps when you get back you want to put all of those photographs you took abroad to good use! On websites like Snapfish or Shutterfly, you can order prints of your photos to use in scrapbooks or turn into a poster. There are also endless options to upload your photos to their website and make photo books, collage posters, photo mugs, keychains, and more!

4. Blogging

To combine your photography and writing skills, consider starting a free blog using a service like WordPress or Wix. You can update all your family and friends on what you’re doing and show off the cool places you’ve been. Also, if your school offers it, consider writing for their study abroad blog (like I do)!

5. Social Media Travel Account

I’ve seen a lot of these popping up lately. If you’re not big on writing paragraphs about your experience but still want to share your photos, you can start a travel page on Instagram or your preferred platform. It’s a great way to go even more public with your experience, plus you can use it for future travels. If you really want to get noticed, add on some popular hashtags!