Cursed to Fail Exams

Allie Rivera University of Stirling, Scotland


February 7, 2018

A quick trip to Edinburgh is always fun and easy. I decided to go into the city on February 4 with one other friend. We decided to go to Edinburgh Castle and the National Museum of Scotland. We had already been to the museum previously with our class, but returned for further exploring of the museum. After that we decided to walk up to the castle.

The castle is definitely grand. It is impossible to miss it and it always has a crowd outside. It was a nice day with the sun out and a slight breeze. It was perfect weather conditions to me while others wished it was warmer.

We walked and explored throughout the castle throughout the various buildings and rooms. I believe without a doubt that our favorite part was the view. It is breathtaking to see all of Edinburgh from above. Naturally, the majority of our time was spent outside taking various pictures from different angles. We had a fun and return home early to get ready for class tomorrow. 

It wasn’t till the next day when I decided to look up various myths and legends of Edinburgh. The one I found stood out to me instantly. There is a curse that says that if any college students visit Edinburgh Castle than they are guaranteed to fail their exams. Therefore it is customary for college students not to visit the castle till after they graduate. I am not one to believe everything I hear and read, but I still didn’t appreciate this. Not until the end of this semester can I tell you if this curse is true or not. I sure hope it isn’t.  


Scotland Semester