Brisbane Urban Night Life

Maurice Scott University of New South Wales, Australia


January 6, 2016

During my summer the first place I stayed for the month of December and the first week of January was in Brisbane. I explored and met numerous people in my travels around the city. One thing I wanted to do was explore the night life in Brisbane. Their nightlife is held in an area called "The Valley" where every type of bar/club is located.

Everything is within walking distance, which is why I really enjoyed my time in this area. One club in particular stood out to me and that was the "Sky and Lotus Lounge." It's a club/bar that is surrounded by Hip-Hop and R&B on Fridays. It is the closest thing that reminds me of home so I found myself in there on multiple occasions. I met some really big people in this urban scene, specifically in the urban scene in Brisbane.

My name eventually got around and was able to be a special guest/MC for their first New Year's Friday which is depicted in the picture. I was able to engage with the crowd and the feeling was very moving to see so many people embrace my culture as I am embracing theirs while I am here. To have that opportunity is rare and I took full advantage of it. I plan to continue to engage with this type of urban culture everywhere I go because it is where I thrive most. Because of this, I now have people I can call my brothers through this party scene and I know I will always have a place to stay in Brisbane.