Birthdays, Zoos, and Good Company

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


March 1, 2016

My 20th birthday was on the Friday just gone, and I can honestly say it was the best one yet. The whole weekend was absolutely perfect thanks to all of the wonderful people in my life.

The birthday festivities began with going to the London Zoo on Friday with Beth, who you will remember as my best mate if you’ve been reading my other blog posts.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I am a firm believer that you are never too old for the zoo. It is one of my favourite places to go. The London Zoo was the best one I have ever been too, by far. The exhibits are designed in a way that lets you get ridiculously close to the animals, which makes photo-taking-obsessed people like me absolutely giddy. We spent the entire day there. It was brilliant.

Saturday was the Societies Ball at the Thistle Hotel in London. I am a member of three different societies, but I chose to attend with the Shakespeare Society as I am currently involved in a production with them and many of my closest friends are in that society.

Not only did I get to eat a delicious three-course meal (that was also gluten-free, YAY), but our society as a whole plus some individual members won awards too! I don’t think I have ever cheered so loudly. I am so thankful for the friends I have made due to Shakespeare Soc. As cheesy as this may sound, we are not only a society…we are a family.  

Sunday was spent banging out loads of work with my flatmates, which almost always involves at least five cups of tea.

This weekend really got me thinking… I cannot believe the amazing turn my life has taken in this past year. I can truly say I am at the happiest point in my life so far. I cannot wait to see where this next year takes me, but for now I'm just enjoying starting off my twenties with some pretty amazing people.

Lots of love xx