Below the Equator

Makenzie Kutyba Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


July 4, 2015

First, let me just say that I LOVE flying internationally. The meal was delicious, including the best coffee I have ever had. They also went around offering white wine to everyone, which was pretty fantastic as well. They need to have this kind of service on the 8 hour flights I have from Anchorage to Atlanta, then the flight wouldn’t be all that bad! I don’t remember having a great meal the last time I flew internationally to France, but that was with a different airline and about 6 years ago. Virgin Australia rocks, and offered dinner less than an hour after being in the air, and breakfast was served 2 hours before landing.

So far only a few things haven’t gone has planned:

  • I forgot to pack my sleeping bag yet I remembered to pack my sleeping mat! :(
  • As I arrived to check in at LAX for my flight to Brisbane, they tell me I need a visa if I am in Australia for over 8 hours.
  • My dad had packed me a camping survival kit, including waterproof matches. Matches are not allowed to be in your checked bag.

If you have a layover for over 8 hours in Australia, when you book the ticket there should be a big flashing popup saying you need a visa! I’m sure it was written somewhere in fine print, but neither my dad or I noticed it. Luckily it was about a 15-minute application on my iPhone and $20 USD for an instant ETA visa. *Sigh of relief*

After getting approved for the visa I then had to search for the matches in my checked bag. My parents and I did so much rearranging in my bags the last few hours before I left; it’s all just a blur to me. Once I found them I was getting ready to discard them, and the guy said “Just throw them in your carry on!” So matches are allowed in your carry on, but not in your checked bag.

Breakfast food is my favorite type of food, so I am excited for New Zealand’s excellent Brunch scene

Finally made it to Brisbane, Australia. It is beautiful here. The sun was rising as we were flying in, and the whole sky was a rainbow of colors. Once I landed I had to go to the international terminal and go through another security checkpoint. Whenever I fly, I always carry two quart sized bags of my liquids and I have never had a problem with this. Well the security here said I was only allowed one, but they gave me a larger bag and said I didn’t even have to close it. I finally made it through… but left my boarding pass on the other side. The exact words from the agent was “I’m pretty worried about you traveling alone.” Multiple days of traveling and 5 different planes to get to my final destination are making me a little delirious. I am ready to get to New Zealand and sleep in a bed instead of on an airplane!
