Aussie Adopted – Sydney Unveiled

Caroline George Sydney, Australia


June 3, 2017
By Caroline George, Sydney Internship Program, Australia

I’ve flipped through travel magazines, stared at Pinterest pictures and dreamed of being in each dream destination. Seeing was close enough to being, at least, that’s what I believed until I realized stepping into the picture was a magnificently different experience.

Sydney, Australia has been my home for the past four days. I’ve become a part of its picture. Instead of scrolling through photos of girls perched on Aussie cliffs, I am the girl. Rather than daydream of surging with waves, I’m in the water, swept toward a golden shore.

Telling you about my own experiences might be information, but it wouldn’t offer a true glimpse at life in Sydney. In the above gallery, you’ll find videos from two of my new favorite places.

Fun Facts:

  • There are swarms of wild cockatoos in parks and along the cliffs. Each time I see them, I lose my mind with excitement.
  • Coffee is cheap! Instead of forking out six dollars for a latte or flat white, I pay around $2 US, which means I’ll probably be over-caffeinated while here.
  • Winter in Australia is cold, but lovely. The Vivid lights festival is currently taking place in Sydney—a must-see! The ocean is also a balmy twenty-degrees warmer than the air.
  • Aussie culture is friendly. You’ll want to hug everyone who calls you “Mate” and “Love.”
  • Views are beyond belief. Some sights have rendered me speechless.
  • Tax is already included in prices.
  • Tipping isn’t a cultural norm.

Included below are some photos from my adventures. Scroll through them if you wish to know more about the landscape, food, and culture.

CarolineCaroline is a student at Belmont University and is blogging from her summer abroad on the Sydney Internship Program - Summer program, in Sydney, Australia.


Australia Summer