A Day in the Gardens!

Brenda Khor Arcadia in Barcelona, Spain


February 21, 2015

Midterms were this week and it was brutal. There were so many hours put into midterms. Studying abroad is not just about exploring the culture and learning information about the place, it involves a lot of intense studying for school as well. I tried my best in all my exams so I am now rewarding myself to an enjoyable time during the weekend. I went to Parc de Laberint. It was a beautiful and historical garden in the Horta-Guinardó district in Barcelona. It had canals, fountains, pavilions and waterfalls. It is a must-see site when visiting Barcelona! After that, I visited a museum called, Museu d’Història de Catalunya. There were many facts that I did not know about Catalunya, from prehistoric times and how it got to be what it is now in modern times. The rest of my weekend, I relaxed for most of the time. I spent time shopping with my friends, went to many cafés and was able to Skype my parents. I was very pleased to have talked to them!