My First Week in Barcelona

Brenda Khor January 9, 2015

This week has been packed with a heavy schedule. We had orientation for three days and also learned about how to be aware of our surroundings because of the major pickpockets going around in Spain. In addition, I received my class schedule. I will be… More

Pre-Departure for Spain!

Brenda Khor January 4, 2015

I have so many emotions going through my head right now as I prepare for my trip to Spain! I am excited and nervous. It is nerve wracking because there is so much more to packing that people do not seem to realize, well much more than I realized. I was… More

Venturing in to the Unknown

Yasaman Khorsandi December 30, 2014

With just a week before I depart to Spain, the range of emotions I feel are unreal! First things first, Because I don't know much about Spain or what I'm getting myself into, I am excited for the unknown. I am excited to embark on an… More


Taylor L. March 9, 2014

Carnival is a period of celebration leading up the Ash Wednesday. It is similar to the festivities of Mardi Gras in the spanish-speaking world. The typical festival is filled with merry participants, intricate floats, and many many different types of… More


Taylor L. March 9, 2014

T-Oigo is a small organization dedicated to helping children who have audio-based problems. Many of these small children are partially deaf and require a hearing aid or a cochlear implant to continue learning. I am lucky enough to have joined this organization… More

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