Next Stop, Australia!

Chamira Sankey June 1, 2016

By Chamira S., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia I have been patiently awaiting this day since I got accepted into this study abroad program, Sydney Internship Program Summer. Because this is my first time out the country I didn't know what… More

33 New Friends

Breana Intlekofer February 22, 2016

Orientation week is over and I can officially say I have made 33 new friends in just a few days. I don't think I have ever been as tired as I was when arriving at the Auckland airport to meet my fellow study abroad students, but the Arcadia staff made… More

Finding my Niche

Rachel Proctor February 17, 2016

A home isn’t just a place that you live in. You can feel at home with people you meet, connect with and become close to. You can also have multiple homes, places, and people that are close to your heart and you share many memories with. I may have grown… More

Home Again, Rome Again

Becca Dague February 11, 2016

Like a grizzly bear, I have finally emerged from my winter hibernation—well-rested, re-energized, and looking to eat everything in sight. I’ve returned from the Christmas holidays more excited to study abroad than ever before, but a new semester comes… More

I Can’t Believe I’m In Africa

Catherine Vaught February 8, 2016

I still wake up every morning and think to myself, “I can’t believe I’m in Africa.” The view from my bedroom window could easily be mistaken for Florida with its towering palm trees and hibiscus flowers. But step outside the gate of our historic house… More

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