At the top of a mountain everyone is in the happiest moment of their lives. I’ve never bonded with complete strangers faster than after summitting Roy’s Peak on the South Island, on a day so clear that the full magnificence of the Southern Alps flanking… More
What I’ve learned about living in another country is that 90% of the time, life is much of the same. However, that last 10% is where memories are made, where stories you’ll re-tell for years are born, what most of your phone space will be dedicated to… More
When you’re a kid, every new experience and discovery in life is so emotionally momentous. I have a distinct memory of being 8 years old and traversing a Northern California beach with my dad, when I stumbled on what I thought of as the discovery of a… More
Engineering classes at Santa Clara University are incredibly intense and do not give you the luxury of having a week to settle and review the syllabus. Thankfully, I finally got to experience the how laid back the first week of class is at a semester… More
Everything feels backwards. It’s suddenly the dead of winter, the water spins the other way, there are new stars in the sky, and folks drive on the left. This last point became particularly salient last Saturday, when I woke up early and walked into a… More
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