Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand
Homeschool: Wofford College
The first thing you should know about me is that I am a planner. Ask anyone remotely close to me, if I'm doing anything at all, I've planned at least part of it already… More
Currently studying at: UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, New Zealand
hOMEschool: Denison University
As I am sitting down and writing this blog post it is January 11th, and as I arrived at the Pittsburgh International Airport this morning from Orlando, my mom looked… More
For the second half of my mid-trimester break, six of us drove to the northern coast of New Zealand where we spent the week playing cards, tossing frisbees, and lying in the cold sand, trying to pretend it was summertime. By that time, our little group… More
Before I left for New Zealand, one of my professors warned me that when you’re on your own in a new place, your highs and lows of life become amplified. Your bad moments feel exceptionally bad, your good times euphorically good. I thought about this lesson… More
I do miss living in New Zealand, but I do not find returning to the U.S. terribly challenging; a reason for this could be that I categorize travel and non-travel life separately in my brain. Also, I met or overachieved on all of my goals… More
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