A Detour in Dublin

Bentley Kandel February 21, 2020

Currently studying at: University of Glasgow, Scotland Homeschool: Chapman University One of the trips I was looking forward to the most was going to Dublin. My cousin and a friend from Chapman both studied abroad there and have incredible stories of… More

Excitement in the Ordinary

Janey Amend-Bombara February 18, 2020

Currently Studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Homeschool: Sarah Lawrence College A chairde! I’ve been in Ireland for over a month now, and I realized I have yet to do a real “Galway” blog. I’ve left the country twice now, and… More

Classes & Trips

Mackenzi White February 11, 2020

Currently Studying at: University of Limerick, Ireland Homeschool: Hilbert College Settling into classes has been an easier transition then one would expect from having a week to decide on what to take. Luckily, I kept my electives open for this semester… More

A Market, Some Runs, and A Whole Ton of Fun

Devin Adams January 28, 2020

Currently studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland Homeschool: Penn State University In one week, I will have been in Ireland for a month. The thought of that is absolutely insane to me. It feels like I got here yesterday. I don’t… More

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