One of the coolest parts of studying abroad is having access to activities that aren’t available at your home university. Just like at colleges back in the U.S., Queen’s University has a club fair at the start of each semester, allowing clubs/societies… More
Bleary eyed after only a few hours of sleep, I made my way down Malone Road. I was unaccustomed to waking up at 8 am on a Saturday, but on this particular day I had good reason to be up so early.
The walk I was making would take me to the Jury’s Inn… More
As the weeks have gone on, I’ve become increasingly comfortable living here in Galway. I’ve developed some routines, fortified some wonderful friendships, explored the city, and even gotten involved on campus through some clubs and societies. As I’ve… More
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –Mark Twain
This… More
I spent the past weekend visiting a family in Trim, County Meath, Republic of Ireland. Located around 45 minutes from Dublin, Trim is most known for Trim Castle, first built in 1173 C.E. by Hugh de Lacy.
At least, this is what Arcadia’s orientation packet… More
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