If It's Not What You Want Then GO GET WHAT YOU DO

Mickie March February 11, 2020

Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Granada, Spain Homeschool: Arcadia University Let's start at the beginning, the first week and a half were all orientation, which was planned out very well. We started out by flying into Madrid on a Thursday morning… More

My Homestay in England/Wales

Autumn Schorr November 13, 2018

Spoiler: This is the best weekend I spent abroad (so far). During orientation, Host is a program that is mentioned that allows students to spend a weekend with a family in the UK. You live, eat and maybe even work as if you are just another family member… More

Living with a Host Family

Melanie Vines June 22, 2018

The primary reason I chose to study abroad with the Arcadia program rather than with my own university was that Arcadia offered me the ability to stay with a host family. I wanted this experience in order to fully immerse myself in the Spanish language… More


Allie Rivera April 2, 2018

During my Easter weekend, I decided to do a homestay which is where you live with a local family for a certain amount of time. In my case it was just the weekend. I honestly had no clue what I was going into and received little information about my host… More

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