Currently studying at: Arcadia in Granada, Spain
Homeschool: Nova Southeastern University
The student above looks happy, healthy, and a tad bit darker because of the Andalusian sun. As the student pictured above, I can confirm that I am happy, healthy… More
Currently Studying: Edinburgh Internship Program, Scotland
Homeschool: Arcadia University
A few weeks ago, my dad went to visit his parents. His mother, my grandmother, hates her iPhone, but she was rather excited to learn that she could “video call… More
Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Rome, Italy
Homeschool: Temple University
What time is it?! It’s March already?! We have how many days until we leave for the U.S.?! These are just some of my though these past few days as I look up and realize that… More
Currently studying at: University of Auckland, New Zealand Homeschool: Arcadia University
I have officially been in New Zealand for about 2 weeks and a day. The time has absolutely flown by, and I really can’t believe I’m almost done with my first week… More
Currently studying at: Queen Mary University of London, England
Homeschool: Arcadia University
During the Arcadia London orientation, one of the things they made sure to mention was that all study abroad students go through emotional ups and downs during… More
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