Currently Studying at: Scottish Universities’ International Summer School (SUISS), Scotland
Home School: Butler University
The study abroad experience isn’t always filled with rainbows and sunshine (especially because Scotland is perpetually on the… More
Currently Studying at: Arcadia in Granada Summer, Spain
Homeschool: Arcadia University
Imagine the excitement of being able to visit a different country to study abroad and live there for a while. It’s easy to romanticize. It honestly is exciting, but… More
Currently Studying at: Museum Studies Internship Program
Homeschool: Anderson University
Even traveling abroad, self-care and mental health are important. Like any long trip, studying abroad lets homesickness sink in and just general exhaustion to get… More
Currently Studying at: STEM SUMMER RESEARCH - DUBLIN
Homeschool: University of Michigan
Hi all! These past few weeks have been SUPER busy for me. I traveled to Amsterdam, celebrated my birthday, ate delicious foods, and bonded more with my roommates… More
Currently Studying at: University of Havana Summer, Cuba
Homeschool: Temple University
Anxiety is a very interesting thing. It can manifest in very different ways depending on the person. People think that anxiety is a negative feeling that promotes… More
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