By Michelle H., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia
I've worked two weeks at my intern placement through Arcadia's Sydney Internship Program Summer and so far it's been a great, hands-on experience. Arcadia's staff did a wonderful job connecting… More
By Sierra K., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia
Happy June! And happy first day of winter from the southern hemisphere! I’ve officially been in Sydney for a week and what a week it has been. Part of me feels like I’ve been here all my life… More
By Michelle H., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia
Orientation is coming to a close and it's been a great way to kick off my stay here in Sydney. We arrived early on Wednesday and made our way to our apartments. We weren't able to check in right… More
Things are getting intense here; we had our farewell ceremony, we're now in the last two weeks of classes before exams, and I'm still trying to accomplish my two main goals for this trip. There's a thing coming up next week for a one-day surf class (goal… More
By Michelle H., Sydney Internship Program Summer, Australia
I've been touring New Zealand and Australia before the start of my program (Arcadia's Sydney Internship Program Summer) and it's been a laid-back routine of site-seeing, talking with natives… More
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