It is now between week 9 and week 10 here in Oz, this magical week known as lecture recess. It’s not something we have in the States but something that we really should! All it is, is just a week where you get a break from lecture and class in the middle… More
I’m studying abroad at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland, Australia. I’ve been in Townsville for almost two months now. TWO MONTHS. Time doesn’t seem real. While I can’t believe that it has already been two months of living and classes and… More
The past few days have been a whirlwind of excitement! If you didn't already know, I made it to Australia! My family drove me down to Newark on the second of September to drop me off, and I think I did a pretty good job (leaving them, that is). My mom… More
Coming to the University of New South Wales, I didn't know what was in store for me. I planned to just work hard, focus, and most of all be myself with an open mind. I didn't know I would have the opportunity to represent a school in their biggest university… More
I can't believe that in just a few hours I will be beginning the journey of a lifetime in Australia for an entire year! It feels like only yesterday that I was just starting college and now I'm going to be studying abroad, something I've wanted to do… More
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