I decided to go around Australia after I was done classes to get a feel for some of the major cities in Australia. The three places I chose were Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Melbourne. Not knowing anyone in these cities, it forced me to put myself out… More
During my summer the first place I stayed for the month of December and the first week of January was in Brisbane. I explored and met numerous people in my travels around the city. One thing I wanted to do was explore the night life in Brisbane. Their… More
Hello, wonderful, beautiful, everybody’s. It’s been awhile since my last post, I know I’m sorry. I’m not exactly a consistent one. But! I have good reason. I had finals and I’ve been traveling a lot so I’ve been pretty busy. I know my last post wasn’t… More
Just a few weeks ago we experienced a major terrorist attack that claimed the lives of many people. Moms, brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins etc were lost and many family members in pain. Being in Australia, I was able to see how they reacted to the situation… More
This post is going to be aimed toward me and my feelings of studying abroad as of late. And quite frankly, my ever growing fragility. Don’t get me wrong, studying abroad is an incredible experience and I am so grateful to be given the chance to do it… More
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