First off, don’t let the ominous fees scare you away. No monetary value will ever be worth the memories I’ve made while traveling. Sure, I might have a hole in my pocket and a very wounded bank account but money is just money. One day when you’re sitting… More
Never really thought I could love Manchester Orchestra more than I did in America but turns out they're equally as good, if not better in London. Holy wow. Not only was this show amazing but the venue was beautiful with intricate decor. It was set up… More
Finally got some of my film developed because I'm a slacker and it's been weeks since my last visit to this beautiful place. The first couple photos are from my visit to Winchester Cathedral. It has the tallest steeple in all of England and I thought… More
Despite the fact that it takes me nearly a half hour as well as half my wallet to get here on Mondays, I am so thankful I opted to take classes at this beautiful little getaway campus from the city. Surrounded by fields upon fields and only a tube stop… More
One of the last classes I chose to take while abroad was a course based entirely upon writing about London. I saw it and was like, "Well I'm already going to be writing plus I'll be living in London so this just seems like an easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy… More
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