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How to Say Goodbye to Home

The countdown to saying goodbye has begun. Finals are right around the corner, and I’m already contemplating how to fit everything… More

Payton Sims London, England


Payton Sims


London, England

How to Say Goodbye to Home

Payton Sims December 9, 2021

The countdown to saying goodbye has begun. Finals are right around the corner, and I’m already contemplating how to fit everything back in my suitcases. When I embarked on this adventure—moving my life to a country I had never stepped foot in—I was scared… More

The Importance of Exploring Your New Home Country

Payton Sims November 15, 2021

Studying abroad can be a whirlwind, especially when you spend every weekend traveling to new, incredible destinations. There is a captivating need to do and see every single thing, filling up every open moment with a memory that will last a lifetime.… More

Finding My Place in the Hustle and Bustle

Payton Sims October 26, 2021

Just over a month into my study abroad program, I found my rhythm in my newfound city life. I come from a much smaller city in comparison to London, and when I was planning to go abroad, I knew I wanted that same sense of home. I needed to find things… More

Why London Mid-Pandemic Was the Best Risk to Take

Payton Sims October 11, 2021

Did I ever intend on studying abroad for my final semester of college? Absolutely not. But did I think that I would ever live through a global pandemic that literally shut the entire world down? Another no. When life seems to have a mind of its own for… More