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I Went to Malta

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University I went to Malta with four… More

Logan Ludwig University of Westminster, England


Logan Ludwig


University of Westminster, England

I Went to Malta

Logan Ludwig May 29, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University I went to Malta with four of my friends this past weekend for four nights. Malta is a very tiny island just between Italy and Africa. We stayed at a large… More

Liverpool - Part 1

Logan Ludwig May 22, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University When you’re a young music fan, and you discover The Beatles for the first time, there’s really nothing quite like it. It’s a magical experience and some of the… More

I Went to Copenhagen

Logan Ludwig April 16, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University So, because I have been so caught up with spewing stories about my music life (which I will still do future blogs), I have failed to mention some of the remarkable… More

From 6 Strings to 12 Strings

Logan Ludwig March 19, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University When I learned that I was allotted two carry-on bags for my flight to London, there was no doubt in mind my guitar would be one of them. I brought my much… More

Getting Caught Up

Logan Ludwig March 11, 2019

Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England Homeschool: Ohio State University On Saturday, October 6th, 2018, I received my acceptance letter from the University of Westminster to for the Spring 2019 semester. I landed in London Heathrow… More