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Closing Time

As I sit in my favorite coffee shop reflecting on my time in New Zealand, I have so many thoughts racing through my mind… More

Chloe Seletz University of Otago, New Zealand


Chloe Seletz


University of Otago, New Zealand

Closing Time

Chloe Seletz June 21, 2018

As I sit in my favorite coffee shop reflecting on my time in New Zealand, I have so many thoughts racing through my mind. The first is familiarity, the fact that I have found my new favorite coffee shop. I have become so adjusted to life in New Zealand… More

Weekend in Dunedin

Chloe Seletz May 30, 2018

A common trend I have noticed with students who study abroad is the pressure and excitement of going on weekend trips to explore new surroundings. I am personally a huge advocate of them. Here in New Zealand, many people road-trip to the South Island… More

Learning in New Zealand

Chloe Seletz April 17, 2018

One thing people do not realize when it comes to doing a semester overseas, is the significance the classroom experience can create. This has surprisingly made a positive impact on my semester so far. Walking through campus, studying at the library, and… More

Keeping New Zealand Pure

Chloe Seletz March 28, 2018

Prior to my arrival in New Zealand, I received many comments and advice about the country. I was told that countries like New Zealand and Australia will have a very similar culture as the United States. I was not sure what to make of the comment, but… More

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