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WARNING: Finals are Closer Than They Appear

Time is a concept rarely taken seriously when we’re young because we feel as if we have so much of it. Only when we don’t… More

Calli Umipig University of Cape Town, South Africa


Calli Umipig


University of Cape Town, South Africa

WARNING: Finals are Closer Than They Appear

Calli Umipig June 19, 2017

Time is a concept rarely taken seriously when we’re young because we feel as if we have so much of it. Only when we don’t want something to end does mortality start to make sense and suddenly its all we can think about. Each absence between blog posts… More

Views From the Top

Calli Umipig May 10, 2017

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned very quickly while living in South Africa, it’s that nothing in the States compares to here. Sure, things are similar and the name may be the same, but they are definitely NOT the same thing. My first experience was… More

Defining History

Calli Umipig April 10, 2017

Benjamin Franklin once said, “History will kind to me, for I intend to write it”. Victors and successors have always been the ones to write the history books and that is no different here in Cape Town. For decades during apartheid blacks, coloureds, and… More

Living in a Drought

Calli Umipig March 15, 2017

It seems like yesterday that I was lounging on my parents’ couch. I still lounge on the couch, but I do it with a view of Table Mountain and a palm tree in my front lawn. Cape Town, thus far, been a dream come true. Upon arriving, we were initially overwhelmed… More

If I Were on a Deserted Island

Calli Umipig February 24, 2017

As a college student, I’ve endured more icebreakers than I cared to participate in. Some are awkward, others are funny. Few are memorable, but they often achieve their goal of making an environment easier to adjust to. You may be wondering why I’m talking… More