Living with Greek Antiquity: The (virtual) Tour


July 7, 2020

Some of our Athens Virtual Europe students are nearing the end of their time with us while elsewhere in Europe, students have begun session 2 classes. All of us working with the Virtual Europe summer programs in Athens, Rome, Barcelona, Granada, London, Edinburgh and Dublin run co-curricular events, things like cooking lessons and a tour through the mural sites of Belfast. Yesterday, I took students and some Arcadians on a tour of the ancient Athenian Akropolis. 

To prepare for this, I visited the Athenian Akropolis in the days following the reopening of ancient sites. I can no longer count the number of times I have visited the Akropolis but this was particular visit was a first in one way: the only visitors up there were me and one other couple! I had the place to myself and even some of the guards remarked on this - a private viewing!

If you are interested to learn more, you can find the tour here. After years of teaching in person, this virtual tour is a first for me so please excuse the few moments of confusion as I start off and close down. 

