The Catalonia Day

Elena Lázaro Housing and Accounting Coordinator


September 11, 2019

The Catalonia Day

It is the official festivity of Catalonia, the 11th of September.

This day is the commemoration of the defeat of 1714 in the War of Succession when Barcelona was occupied for 14 months by the troops of Felipe V of Borbon. This fact meant the abolition of the Catalan institution rights and this is the main reason Catalonia celebrates every year this day as a way to fight for their rights and freedom. And since almost a decade, it has become more than a massive demonstration, it means something more than an exhibition or a festivity day, it is a political and economic issue mixed with feelings and history facts that involves a big community, Catalonia, Spain and the most important among those, people.War of Succession, 1714

Every year different associations manage and prepare how the event will have place in Barcelona, and as I would like to show you a bit about the procedures of 11th September 2019, below I will inform some of them.

The “Diada” (another way to refer to the 11th of September) will include, one more year, the demonstration of September 11 organized by ANC, with Omnium Cultural support and AMI. This event is the central act of the sovereign entities for the ”Diada”, which will be the epicenter in España Square in Barcelona.The demonstration of the “Diada” will begin at 5.14pm in the streets that come from España Square and it will have 16 stretches (see the map)

In addition, during all morning the city will gather different events, acts, talks, concerts and more.

offering actHuman Castle






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