Research Projects in Sports, Culture and Society class

Sílvia Serra Associate Director of Arcadia in Barcelona


December 12, 2018

Last week, students taking ISCS310 Sports, Culture and Society course made presentations about their  Research Projects. These projects are based on students´ experiential learning, within a theoretical framework reflecting the reality of sports and culture in Spanish and European contexts that are studied and debated in class lectures. The use of images, videos and social media play a huge role in the introduction of certain ideas which may support, confirm or disprove theories, particularly among Generation Z.

At the very beginning of the semester students reveal their personal interests, skills, life experiences, backgrounds and future goals in brainstorming sessions, thereby discovering the potential capacities through which they engage with, interpret, and understand local cultural ideas and contexts. Each student has at least two individual meetings with the Tutor.

- The work in progress of the individual Research Projects develops through four basic stages:

  • Proposal
  • Assisted/Guided experimentation with the form and content of the Project
  • Development
  • Execution

The presentation of the final Research Project prioritizes topic content, offering students flexibility on the format. This enables them to focus on the quality and originality of the content, using their preferred method of expression, whether this is a video presentation, photo-reportage, chronicle or traditional academic paper.

This is an exemple of one of the Final Research Projects made by Parker Halaburda (Chapman University):  Running