Orientation Spring 2020

Agustina Balacco Student Life and Service Coordinator


January 8, 2020

Last week, our students from Spring 2020 program arrived! And of course, we had the orientation in order to provide them with the most important information =)

During these days, our students have been given all types of useful information that will help them during their time abroad. They've learned about the Catalans and Spaniards everyday lifestyle, safety in Barcelona and housing; included information about the neighborhood, where our center in Barcelona and the students' apartments are located “The Eixample”.

Among soooo much information, we also had time to have fun! We toured around the city by bus and with an official city guide; stopping at some of the most famous landmarks like La Sagrada Família, Port Olimpic, Montjuïc Hill. They also had the chance to try the famous Coca de Llardons with hot Chocolate! –typical during this upcoming season because it’s hot and keeps the body warm.

Also on the 6th after the orientation program ended, our students were able to live the Three Wise Men Parade around the city by their own! A really magic and expected celebration for locals!

During this week the students are doing the Catalan intensive class and starting the UPF courses.

Now, our students have all the tools and are prepared to enjoy a great semester!!!


Barcelona Center