Night of Museums

Aixa Traoré Student Life and Support Service Coordinator


May 18, 2016

Today is the International Museum Day, and Barcelona is not going to remain passive about it.

Since 1977, a growing number of museums all over the world have joined this initiative with a common purpose: to raise awareness of the key role that museums play in the development of society. With this goal in mind, many events and activities are specially organized for this occasion –and they may last for minutes, hours, days or even for a week.

As part of this worldwide celebration, several European cities have also signed up for an open house at night, and Barcelona is one of these cities. That’s why next Saturday, May 21st, Barcelona is going to celebrate it with everyone in the city: more than 80 museums and cultural centers from Barcelona and its metropolitan area are going to be open on Saturday night from 7pm to 1am, and for the best of deals: just for free! It’s the Nit dels museus de Barcelona (The Night of the Museums in Barcelona). This night is going to be an eventful one full of live spectacles, music and many other activities such as Swing workshops, Swing performances, poetry reading, special exhibitions, dances, guided tours, conferences and so on so forth.

It can be a hard-making decision to choose among 80 museums and cultural centers, so many people attending the event will be on a rush to see as much as they can while others have already made up their minds and picked a museum. CosmoCaixa, MNAC, MACBA, MUHBA, Montjuïc Castle, Picasso’s Museum, El Museu de la Música de Barcelona (The Music Museum of Barcelona), El Museu de la Xocolata (The Museum of Chocolate), the Futbol Club Barcelona Museum… and the list goes on. These are just some of the most well-known museums in the city that will be open on Saturday night.

If you happen to be in Barcelona these days, you’ve won a free pass to 80 museums and cultural centers –a great opportunity to visit the museums of Barcelona in a quite different way and surrounded by an atmosphere steeped in bubbliness. Don’t miss the chance to be surprised!