
Aixa Traoré Student Life and Support Service Coordinator


July 21, 2016

Montserrat is sometimes called the magic mountain and that’s for a good reason. Just the view of it is magic itself!

Montserrat is a massif near Barcelona and it is visible from great distances. The literal meaning of Montserrat is “Serrated Mount”, which makes reference to its jagged shape. In fact, this mountain range is very popular among climbers precisely for that reason. With its unique shape, nature and history, Montserrat has captivated many of its visitors throughout the years. Even Christopher Columbus named the Caribbean island of Montserrat after this outstanding site.

Apart from a massif, Montserrat is also many other things. For example, it is the location of a Benedictine abbey called Santa Maria de Montserrat. Inside the abbey, you will find the well-known and greatly venerated Black Madonna, though you’ll have to get in line with the many pilgrims, locals and tourists that come to see the statue. This Black Madonna is called Mare de Déu de Montserrat–though she is most commonly known as “La Moreneta”– and she is the patron Saint of Catalonia. Another highlight of the monastery is that there you’ll find one of the oldest boys’ choir in Europe (L’Escolania). If you’ve time, try not to miss their performance within the Basílica!

Our students in the summer program had the chance to visit Montserrat with us, and they made the most of a sparkling sunny day in this breathtaking spot with its breathtaking views. They were given some free time to see the amazing surroundings, to check the handmade food stalls, to listen to the boys’ choir or to see the Moreneta. We also went on a little excursion in which they had the chance to get to know more about the nature, culture and history of the sacred and magical mountain, while contemplating its scenery and enjoying the good weather.

What a nice day at such a unique place!